C.A.T.S.-C.A.N., Inc.
P.O Box 622543
Oviedo, FL 32762
Kittens   |  Teens   |  Adults   |  Seniors   |  Must Adopts   |  Special Needs   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 62

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Interested in fostering a cat/kittens for us?

Are you interested in fostering a cat or a litter of kittens that are already in our rescue? We would love to have you! We are always in need of people to take care our cats or kittens until they are adopted. If you are interested please follow the link below to fill out our Foster Application.

Wait! I found a cat or a litter of kittens!

Thank you for looking after this cat or litter of kittens. Please read over our page on what to do if you found a cat.

I unfortunately can no longer keep my cat.

We are so very sorry that your circumstances no longer allow you to keep your kitty. Fortunately, we can help if you are willing to keep your cat in your home until it can be adopted into a wonderful family.

We have a re-homing program that if your cat is fixed, up to date on vaccines, tested for fiv/felv and flea free we can list them on our website and you can bring to adoption events. Keep in mind that this kitty will continue to be yours until the time of adoption and if returned to our rescue we will contact you to take your kitty back.

To keep them listed on our website we ask you to keep your cats vaccinations up to date (we will ask for proof), for recent photos and an accurate description of their personality. If you fail to keep your vaccinations up to date we will remove your listing from our site.

If this sounds like an option for you please fill out the Re-homing Application listed below and the Courtesy Listing Waiver.